Who can apply
for an ERT review?
- Chief elected officials of a municipality
- Chairperson of a municipal commission charged with the responsibility of managing the natural resources of the town provided they have the endorsement and support of their respective boards and commissions
- Connecticut land trusts
Private citizens, citizens groups, engineers and developers may not request an ERT assistance.
Applying for an ERT review
Need help getting started?
The ERT program staff is available to answer any questions prior to submitting the application. Please contact Jocelyn Lahey or call our office. Staff can advise you, but the final decision rests with the CT RC&D ERT Subcommittee. You will be notified of all actions concerning your request.
Want to join our team?

We are seeking environmental professionals from academia, retirees, other state and local organizations, and the private sector. Individuals can serve as team members and participate in this unique opportunity and valuable service would ideally have the following expertise:
As a team member, your contribution helps to conserve, improve, and maintain Connecticut’s natural resources. ERT team members enjoy opportunities for networking and partnering with other professional organizations and experts. As a team member, you will be asked to participate in a team discussion and site visit on the day of the ERT review, and to then submit a written report on your observations and evaluations of the property. A timeframe will be set for completing and submitting your written report. To join the team, fill out the online submission form below or download the PDF version and mail/email it in to our office. You may contact Jocelyn Lahey with any questions.
CT Environmental Review Team
Connecticut Resource Conservation & Development
1066 Saybrook Road
Haddam, CT 06438
p: 860-345-3977